My Dietitian Journey

From Undergrad -> Internship -> Dietitian-> Private Practice!

Defining Success in Private Practice

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What does being successful mean in private practice?

Definition of Success
We can’t talk about what successful means until we first define success. Merriam-Webster defines success as, “Favorable or desired outcome” and “the attainment of wealth.” defines success as, “the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.”

While these may be the definitions of success, they may not be how YOU define success since it is subjective.

For me, success meant filing my first insurance claim and then getting paid from my first insurance company (after many denials). I currently think of success as “mastering” something or accomplishing a task. I feel “successful” since I can do what I love in my private practice, while also teaching at a local Community College.

Defining and Achieving Your Own Success
I really like this quote from Anne Sweeney about success, “Define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.”

Defining your own success in private practice involves thinking of your big vision, which can give you a sense of direction. Think about what you value, what motivates you, and the accomplishments you want to achieve.

I would challenge you to think beyond defining a number of clients or benchmark for income as your only parameters for success. Dig a little deeper into how you might feel when you are “successful” or what your day might even look like as a private practice Dietitian.

How Other Dietitians Define Success
I posted in a few Dietitian Facebook groups asking what others thought about the meaning of success. Here are some great quotes from fellow Dietitians as to how they define their own success.

“I feel like success is to be in control of your own destiny, and choose the career path that makes you happy and celebrates your worth.” Amy Hager

“Success is subjective. Success to me is being able to run my private practice efficiently without compromising precious time being mom and a wife. This means delegating tasks such as social media content creation, billing, and marketing to a team that can do them better than me.” Leonila Campos, MBA, RD – Founder and CEO of Fueled by Leo, inc.

“To me, success is multi-pronged but stems around achieving quality of life. By that, I mean you authentically help your clients/patients reach their goals and attain the quality of life they desire. Additionally, you as the practitioner achieve the quality of life you want in terms of fulfillment from your work and being able to provide both time and resources for your family.” Kelly Wagner, MS, RD, LDN – Nutriving LLC

Beware of the Comparison Trap
While looking at what others are doing in private practice can be motivating and open us up to the many possibilities in entrepreneurship, comparing ourselves to others can be a negative trap.

Check out more information on the Social Comparison Theory

As you look at what others are doing, you might start chasing a vision that isn’t your own. You might also get caught up in what you “should” do or what you are not doing enough of.

This comparison trap can feed imposter syndrome, insecurities, and negativity. There are so many factors that influence someone’s success in business and most of the time what you see online is a highlight reel of business.

Handling the Comparison Trap
If you start to feel like you are falling into this comparison trap, refer to your own definition of success. Focus on what makes you unique and remind yourself of your progress thus far.

When I start to feel negative about my own progress, I take a step back and focus on what I have and practice gratitude. I then think through things critically and ask myself, “If I don’t feel happy with my progress, what realistically can I change? How can I improve?”

Taking a moment to analyze my negative thoughts and create a forward moving action plan, brings me back to the pathway I want to forge in private practice. One that focuses on my vision and not someone else’s.

For more information, check out the My Dietitian Journey Podcast – How Should You Define Success For Your Private Practice?

Disclaimer: Information provided is not intended to constitute legal or medical advice. All information is for educational purposes only.

Author: Porrazza Nutrition LLC

Felicia Porrazza is a registered and licensed dietitian with a masters degree in dietetics administration, an ACSM certified personal trainer, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, college nutrition faculty instructor, and owner of Porrazza Nutrition LLC and My Dietitian Journey. Porrazza Nutrition LLC focuses on helping clients transition to a plant-based style of eating for preventative health and disease management. Felicia’s specialty is in combining plant-based eating with fitness programming, specifically targeting beginner strength-training. My Dietitian Journey was founded back in 2013 to be able to help other students/dietitians on their professional wellness journey! The goal with My Dietitian Journey is to demystify the field of dietetics and help fellow Dietitians through shared tips and resources. I am currently a mentor for fellow Dietitians starting their own private practice and a dietetic internship preceptor. Check out my website for more information: Email Me at: (for clients) or (for Dietitians and interns)

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